Padre Pio Miracles

"In 1967, my mother-in-law took her dying eight year old son, five thousand miles to meet Padre Pio. The doctors at the children’s hospital where he had been treated for years, told her to take him home and enjoy him – he only had a little time left. He had a cancer which at that time had a 2% survival rate. Instead, she took him to San Giovanni Rotondo to meet Padre Pio. The friars escorted him up to Padre Pio’s cell while she waited. When they brought him back to her, Padre Pio said something to her in Italian and one of the friars translated it for her and he said, "The boy will be alright. Her son, my husband’s brother, just recently turned 40!"
"In May of 1995, I was diagnosed with a massive brain tumor on the brain stem. At first, it was thought that the tumor was inoperable because of its location. My mother and her friends immediately started praying to Padre Pio. They sent me one of his medals with a relic in it. I wore it everyday before my surgery and then my son wore it for me. They ended up trying a new sixteen hour brain surgery that was nothing short of miraculous. I was in intensive care for eight days and the hospital for thirty days. I developed many infections and meningitis but recovered from all. Throughout the ordeal we continued to pray to Padre Pio but I didn't realize just how involved he was in my recovery until recently. When I went home to visit my mother, she called me upstairs so that I could look at the new holy card she had of Padre Pio.I picked it up and screamed, "Oh my" It was a picture of the same person I saw when I was in intensive care. While there, I would try not to sleep for fear of not waking up again as I was on a respirator for over a week. But one night, he appeared to me dressed all in white and said, "Everything will be all right." I now know it was Padre Pio from this picture I had just seen. It was like a strange peace came over me and for the first time I rested. I just never knew who had spoken to me and brought me such calm until I saw his picture."
Emma Meneghello, a very pious young girl of 14, was afflicted with epilepsy which threw her into fits several times a week. One afternoon whilst in prayer, Padre Pio appeared to her and placed his hand on the bed sheet, then smiled and vanished. The cured epileptic arose to kiss the place where the Padre had placed his hand and she noticed a cross of blood left on the sheet. A small square cut of the sheet with the blood stains is conserved today in a glass picture frame. "Through the intercession of Padre Pio," writes this miraculously cured girl, "I have obtained other graces, especially for dying babies."
While World War I was raging throughout Europe, one day General Cadorna, a General in the Italian Army, was in his study during the war and in deep study he held his head in his hands, thinking of all the young men who, for the love of country would have to give up their lives, when suddenly he smelt a very strong perfume odor of roses which was wafted around the room. Raising his venerable head, he was stupefied to see a monk with a seraphic look and with bleeding hands. Passing in front of him, the monk said, "Be calm, they will not do anything harmful to you." With the disappearance of the monk, the general no longer smelled the perfume. He told a Franciscan friend about the vision and when he mentioned the perfume the Franciscan said,"Your excellency, you have seen Padre Pio." Then he told the general all about Padre Pio. The general decided to visit San Giovanni and when he arrived there incognito, he was immediately approached by two Capuchins, who had recognized the general even though he was trying to disguise himself in civilian clothing. They approached him and said, "Your Excellency, Padre Pio is waiting for you. He sent us to meet you."